Workplace Analytics

What Workplace Analytics means, how we do it and what it can deliver.

Gaining Competitive Advantage with Workplace Analytics

Workplace Analytics is our proven practice for aligning your workforce to help achieve key company objectives.

A successful company must be capable of dynamic strategic vision that is attuned to changing circumstances.  Executives are accustomed to supporting their decisions with sophisticated models that use data from sales, operations, supply chain and finance.  By contrast, data on the workforce are often limited to headcount and labor costs.

As a result the decision models don’t include rich data about workers and the organizational structures in which they operate. Yet it is the workers and the processes they are engaged in that determines the success of the strategy. We believe integrating workforce data into the decision process is essential to ensure a successful fit between the workforce and the level of productivity and quality required by the company’s strategy.

Our approach to Workplace Analytics helps companies gain insight into the underlying dynamics of their workforce and determine how to shape and deploy people more effectively to become a core competitive advantage.

We apply Workplace Analytics in four areas that lead to superior workforce performance:

  1. Analyze the work and organizational design.  This shifts the focus from head count and labor costs to structuring the right organization and the right jobs to ensure that workers are engaged, efficient and effective.
  2. Build a dynamic talent supply chain. This shifts the focus from the costs of hiring and training workers to knowing how to recruit, deploy, assess, and develop workers with the right knowledge, skills, and abilities to succeed.
  3. Maintain a committed and engaged workforce. This shifts the focus from narrow performance measures and financial rewards to understanding what motivates and engages workers and what the company needs to provide to achieve the highest level of performance.
  4. Capture insight and innovation emerging in the workforce.  This shifts the focus from prescribing incremental process improvement to capturing creative adaptations, thus achieving a step change in productivity by spreading the best ideas wherever they fit throughout the organization.